You should always know that you have what you need at home to handle any type of emergency. Once you've prepared for the most common types of emergencies, such as fires and floods, it is time to start focusing on making sure that your house is set up for severe weather events. Whether you live in a place that is known for tornadoes or hurricanes, a storm shelter is the perfect solution to keep you and your family safe. These three steps will help you set up a shelter that can weather any storm.
Decide on the Type of Shelter
Your first decision is regarding the location of the shelter. Some shelters are placed underground either outside or in the garage. While these have benefits that include being below the wind line so that they cannot be blown over, underground shelters may not be possible if you live in an area with a water table that could cause them to flood.
Aboveground shelters can be added as a new room to your house or placed inside of an existing room. These are made from reinforced concrete, wood, or steel. They are then anchored to your house's foundation so that they cannot be blown over. When choosing the type of shelter you prefer and its location, remember to think about accessibility. The areas of your property where you tend to spend the most time tend to be more ideal locations for the setup.
Practice Using the Shelter
When the storm shelter is placed in your house, you will be shown how to operate the latches and locks properly. This is the ideal time to ask any questions that you may have about how to appropriately use the shelter. For instance, you may learn that you can register the shelter with your city or a company to have them check in on you after the storm. After your initial practice, continue to hold drills that help you get to the shelter quickly in the event of a real-life emergency.
Stock It With Supplies
Once the emergency shelter is installed, you will also need to make sure that you can stay inside of it for as long as it is required to wait out the threat. Therefore, you will need to place some basic supplies inside such as a flashlight, water, and food. An emergency radio can help you know what is happening during the storm, and you may also include some supplies to keep up your morale and prevent boredom such as a deck of cards and books.